Racing Forces

Engines, EVs and Espresso: Ep 22 - Vacuums & Silos

September 25, 2023 Abby Rakshit and Molly Oxner

On this week’s episode of Engines, EVs, and Espresso, we chat all about our upcoming Creators & Coffee event for the Formula 1 USGP at Austin, and our producer Allie tells us about her visit to the Bialetti store in Florence. Abby takes us on a deep dive into the logistical snafus and media reporting surrounding MotoGP’s inaugural Indian race and why racing still operates in a vacuum across series in 2023. Molly leads a discussion around some of Honda’s latest moves in motorsport, their push to establish themselves as a global racing powerhouse, and the impact on passenger cars as a whole.

As usual, Stay Curious and Stay Caffeinated!